I could not sleep a wink last night and was wide awake this morning at 4:30 am. In the grand scheme of things, it's only thirty minutes earlier than I normally wake up to go to the gym. Packed and ready, I set out for LAX with my roommate Andrew behind the wheel. Double checking everything is an understatement from me and it was hard to ignore the huge note I wrote on the front door reminding myself to not only bring the biscottis I had made earlier in the week, but also to not forget the lunch I packed. Virgin America may have some snazzy planes, but they still don't feed you.
What is with LAX in the mornings? It's mind boggling to see the line of cars and the amount of people all going to destinations unknown. Right from the moment you check in, Virgin gives you the full Kylie Minogue experience. It's music, great lighting and smiles all around. Alas, though, it seems I am on the flight that was reserved for babies and families with children under the age of four.
Currently, the baby in seat 6B is sleeping soundly against his mother's bosom, but the baby in the back has decided that he should scream as loud as his lungs will allow. In front of me on the jetway was the family of five - five - how do people have five children all under the age of six - how is that humanly possible? These bionic breeders decided they could walk no slower than the two year old. I smiled, remembering that this is the start of my long awaited vacation and to keep my mind firmly planted on what waits at my destination.
For now, I have books, movies and my computer to keep me company. We are currently over the state of Nevada and it's time to settle in for the remaining portion of my flight. The baby in the back has ceased its cries for the moment, but there's nothing stopping it from waking up and then again, nothing stopping me from "accidentally" spilling my drink on its mother on my way to the restroom.
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